Diamond Cove HOA

Pool Rules

  • Pool entry is by Card/FOB only (please see pool FOB order form)
  • Pool hours are down to dusk
  • Pool area is for Emerald Forest and Diamond Cove residents
  • The gate is to remain closed at all times
  • Do not prop gate open
  • All guests must be accompanied by a resident at all times
  • Only one guest per resident present
  • Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult over 18 years of age
  • No diapered children are permitted in the pool
  • Pool load capacity is 50 people
  • Fence jumpers are trespassers
  • No animals allowed
  • No glass containers allowed
  • No smoking of any kind
  • No food or beverage are permitted within 4' of the pool
  • No food or beverages in the pool or on the pool wet deck except for plastic bottles of water are allowed on the pool wet deck
  • Please shower prior to entering the pool
  • Do not swallow pool water
  • Do not swim while ill (especially with diarrhea)
  • Swim at your own risk
  • No head first diving into the pool as it is shallow
  • There are no lifeguards on duty, be sure to keep track of your children
  • Be considerate of your fellow residents by keeping music at a low level
  • Discard all trash in the trash cans
  • Clean up after yourself prior to departing
  • No one is permitted in the pool area after dark
  • Any persons caught after hours will be considered as trespassers
  • Please re-arrange the pool furniture to its proper position as you leave
  • No furniture is to be removed from the pool area
  • Keep restrooms clean at all times
  • If you are planning a family event, please inform the management company
  • You cannot reserve any part of the pool area
  • All members have the right to use the pool area when open
  • Please be considerate to others
Posted by Frank Moore on 04/24/2024
Orlando, Florida 32836